*Tap Tap* Is this thing on?

Okay so I figured I might pull my finger out and actually update this on the latest happenings and goings on.

I have just had my contract extended by another 3 months (I think that will be the last one I take) and just spent a week skiing in france and a weekend hanging out in Paris with Lou and Dave while they were over for holidays.

Our landlord has been a complete bastard so we decided to all move out (spurred on by the fact that Thomas was moving back to Germany anyway). It’s a pain because we all really like the place but all good things must come to an end.

I have to move out on the 19th and am currently looking for a place to live, hopefully staying in a similar area, I have gotten used to Clapham and like the place. I am not destitute though as friends have offered me a place to doss temporarily while I sort something out (thanks stuart!)

Mum and Dad will be over for a while around ANZAC day so I am looking forward to that too, hopefully I will time the end of my work to finish around the same time and start backpacking around Europe in a bit of a last hurrah.

Anyway I am meant to be working so I will keep this short. Hope everybody had a nice Christmas and New Years.

– Matt