Tips and tricks for the new Gmail based Yurkisko Dot Net

Looks like everybody is successfully up and running on the gmail based mail server for yurisko and I thought I would just point out a few useful tips and tricks.

1. Set your mail client to save messages into the appropriate gmail folders so that they are easy to use when you are using the webmail. This means:
    - Draft messages into [Gmail]/Drafts
    - Sent mail into [Gmail]/Sent Mail
    - Trash/Deleted into [Gmail]/Trash
1. Learn how to set an automatic vacation message for when you are out of town and want to let people know (
1. Get in the habit of periodically checking your [Gmail]/Spam folder for emails that have been marked as spam so that you don't lose important things
1. If you access your mail from multiple clients ( phone / home email / work etc ) learn how to setup some filters to put emails into different folders depending on their subject/sender etc and do it server side ( )

If you need a hand with anything let me know and I would be happy to help out