Tokyo Day 3

I have had an interesting couple of days here in Tokyo. Monday was a bit of a write off as I generally felt crappy from the flight. I did manage to take a walk up the road a bit til I stumbled across the tokyo dome where the baseball games are played. Took a ride on a really big ferris wheel type thing so that I could get a look at the city from altitude. It really is a massive place. Had an afternoon sleep and felt a bit better so I spent a few hours walking around shibuya that night. Lots of neon and people walking everywhere.

Tuesday I got up early (7:00) and went down to the Tsujiki fish markets. Basically it is complete mayhem. You have to dodge the gauntlet of trucks, forklifts, motorbikes and guys with carts just to get near the markets, and I do mean dodge. The fish markets just go on forever with all sorts of random sea creatures. I had a sushi breakfast that was absolutely fantastic and headed off to the neighbouring gardens. That was nice and calming and I spent a couple of hours just cruising around the gardens. After that I walked up to Ginza which is just chockablock full of prada style shops. Had a look at the sony showrooms, was pretty boring really. Had lunch and took the train up to Shinjuku. The metropolitan govt building has an observation deck on lvl 45 which was a pretty damn good view. Found a modern art gallery nearby and took a look. It was well worth the admission fee as they had one of van gogh’s sunflowers paintings there along with a cezane and some other stuff.

Today I went up to Ueno and had a look at the national museum which was really interesting, spent about 4 hours there before I got sick of it and went to the zoo. Mostly boring but I couldn’t help but feel sorry for the sumatran tigers in the cold (It was snowing this morning). I don’t think there is much snow in sumatra. Spent the afternoon in Akihabara (Electric City) which was pretty crazy. I was tempted to buy some ninja stars or throwing knives but I thought customs might have something to say about them. Anyway will try to put pics up when I get my laptop onto a net connection.